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I started out in the Ecommunication strand when I was a freshman, trying out all the different strands: Video (Convergence Journalism, Sports Information Director, and Entertainment), Graphic Design, Web Design and Animation. Then my sophomore year we got the chance to pick the two strands that we were most interested in. From there, the next year, my junior year, we chose the strand that we had the most interest in and spent the last two years expanding on that; for me it was convergence jounalism.


Being in convergence journalism I have had the opportunity to develop skills in video, communications, editing, interviewing, directing, blogging, and anchoring. I want to create media that shares a unique story in a visually compelling and informative way. Next year I will attend Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma and major in Global Ministry. One day I hope to travel the world doing missionary work, sharing the gospel, and use my video skills to advocate for those in need.

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